Nominations for President-Elect and Program Chair 2018-2020

The President-Elect and Program Chair positions on the SEERS Board of Directors are up for election, with the positions beginning at the 2018 Spring Meeting (which will be organized by the current Board).

The President-Elect serves as a full member of the Governing Board and, in the absence of the President, shall perform the duties of the President.  Recent practice has been for the President-Elect to chair the Student Promotion Committee. The President-Elect will serve two years as President-Elect, two years as President, and two years as Past President. The duties of the President are to preside at all meetings of the Directors and shall be the chief executive officer of the corporation. The President also represents SEERS on the CERF Governing Board.

Program Chair is a 2-year term with the expectation of attending all 3 regional meetings during that time. The Program Chair shall be responsible for implementing the Society policy with respect to meeting conduct and content. With the approval of the Board of Directors, the Program Chair shall have the power to initiate new ideas in meeting format, topic selection, and any other area he/she believes will add to free information exchange in an informal atmosphere.

SEERS is a volunteer-run organization.  SEERS can only serve its membership through the dedicated efforts of its volunteer Board members.  Serving on the Board is an educational and enjoyable way to serve your professional society (it also looks good on your resume).  You may nominate a friend, colleague, or yourself. If you nominate someone else, please first check with them that they are willing to serve. Please consider serving on the Board. Nominations are due by 1 February 2018.

Please send nominations (including self-nominations) to  If you would like additional information about the position(s), call or email Geno or any of the current Board members (