Welcome New Board Members for 2014

SEERS is pleased to announce that, following elections this spring, the new President-Elect is Erik Smith of the Baruch Marine Field Laboratory in Georgetown, SC and the new Program Chair is Loren Mathews of Georgia Southern University. Nikki Dix of the GTM NERR has agreed to serve as Member-at-Large. Congratulations to Erik, Loren, and Nikki, who will join other SEERS Governing Board members for their two-year terms of service.

On behalf of all the members of SEERS, I thank outgoing Program Chair Carla Curran, outgoing Member-at-Large Ed Proffitt, and outgoing Past President Denise Sanger for their unselfish work on behalf of our society. They have contributed greatly to SEERS. Former President Bob Virnstein now moves to the Past President position for another two years on the Board.

Geno Olmi, SEERS President