
Student Members

SEERS is committed to increasing opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students. The research conducted by our Student Members promotes the sharing of knowledge on estuarine science, education, and management.  

SEERS conferences are supportive environments for students to present their research in either a poster or oral format with the opportunity to be given feedback from the estuary community and awards for best presentations.

To support our Student Members, we provide a number of opportunities for funding to SEERS and CERF conferences, network-building breakfasts with estuary experts at meetings, peer student mentorship through the SEA Buddy program, and opportunities to highlight your research on SEERS media platforms through the Student Spotlight. We regularly highlight post submissions from students on our social media pages, too: simply email the Student Representative your post.

Please contact the SEERS Student Representative with any questions you might have about joining SEERS.

Presentation Tips

Many online resources exist to aid students in oral and poster presentations, including poster templates and advice on oral presentation communication. Your school may also have resources to aid you in developing your presentation. SEERS prioritizes creating an encouraging environment for our students to gain experience in presenting.  

Estuary Science Resources

One asset of being part of SEERS is that it is an affiliate society of the Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation (CERF). CERF regularly publishes peer-reviewed estuary science in its science journal, Estuaries and Coasts. The EPA National Estuary Program and NOAA National Estuarine Research Reserves provide a wealth of educational information and research data. Students may find Coastal Wiki helpful in developing a general understanding on coastal issues and processes.

Funding Opportunities

Numerous undergraduate and graduate scholarships and research grants exist nationally, regionally, and locally. Be sure to always check with your university to find internal funding that may be available in the form of scholarships, research funding, and travel grants. The following is a short list of sources that student members have applied to.

Graduate Programs in the SEERS Region

North Carolina

South Carolina

