Welcome New Board Members for 2017

On behalf of the Governing Board and all the members of SEERS, it is my pleasure to welcome three new members to the Board: Eilea Knotts (Graduate Student Representative), Nikki Dix (Secretary), and Susannah Sheldon (Treasurer). They will take office at our Spring Business meeting in Myrtle Beach.
I want to thank all the candidates who were willing to volunteer some of their time on behalf of our society. I also want to thank those of you who took the time to return your ballot to me. Democracy only works if we take part.
We will formally thank the outgoing Board members at our business meeting in Myrtle Breach, but I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank Shannon Dunnigan (Student Rep), Julie Koester (Secretary), and Amanda Dickens (2 terms as Treasurer). I have really enjoyed working with you on the Board.
Geno Olmi
SEERS Past President and Nominations Chair